Our projects

Together, we can make the difference!

Projects in funding phase

Head of Caretakers

Key Caretakers

Financing Phase
01/01/2023 - 31/12/2026

All success depends on the lead of the caretakers. So the Iceman Charity decided to finance the five critical roles in caretaking to prove our developments in guiding the kids and improving cleaning & hygiene – Director of Caretakers, Head of Bangsadej-, Girls-, Boys- and Kindergarten Caretakers.


1.900.000 of 2.500.000 THB donated

Sunroof girlshouse

Girls Area Playground Sunroof

Financing Phase
01/03/2026 - 30/06/2026

All girl houses have been renovated, but there is still no place to play during hot and sunny days. So before we go back to boys’ areas for renovations, we would like to build a half football field concrete playground with an 8m high roof.


0 of 3.800.000 THB donated

New Sanitary Boys 1

Financing Phase
01/01/2025 - 31/05/2025

The Sanitary House 1 hosts the toilets and washing area for around 120 – 160 kids. The last renovation of the bathrooms had been about 20 years ago; the old washing basins were renovated 12 years ago by Icemen Charity.

The building is the oldest in the complex and needs to be demolished and built up from scratch. Due to Thailand’s Health and Safety regulations, we also need to change the water basins to shower units.


0 of 6.500.000 THB donated

Projects in progress or completed this year

Marc Doerr Graffiti

Girls House Graffiti

Realisation Phase
25/12/2021 - 31/12/2025

Colourful environments give kids a much better atmosphere! In cooperation with one of the world’s most famous graffiti sprayers Marc Doerr, we have a sponsor doing one project per Year. The Iceman Charity just look after the colour – the value of each graffiti is around 180.000 THB.


8.000 THB donated

Last Year's finished projects

Successfully completed projects from previous years

SIAM WINERY Boy’s House Project

10/04/2023 - 30/06/2023

The Green Boy’s House got a core renovation. It had a leaky roof, which makes this project had the highest priority. It’s also one of the oldest buildings where kids don’t sleep in singe beds. Thanks to Siam Winery we were able to do the renovation before school started in Mai.


6.000.000 THB donated

Kitchen Renovation

25/03/2023 - 15/04/2023

The kitchen is the heart of all operations. Up to almost 4000 meals daily, the kitchen needs to be functional daily. No doubt that regular renovations and improvements had to be done. Also, the lifespan of gas-cooking heaters forces us to make immediate changes in 2023.


315.000 THB donated

Shade Roof Alice House

01/03/2023 - 30/03/2023

Some younger kids are living at Alice House. The Alice House was renovated seven years ago, and the sanitary area just 2 years ago (in cooperation with the Alice Glenister Foundation.
This year we installed an additional shade roof in front of the dormitory, giving us more flexibility to serve food to the kids in the evening.


250.000 THB donated

Renovation Sports Hall

Full renovation Sports Hall

04/04/2022 - 31/12/2022

Under the auspices of Alex Albon and Jost Capito the Iceman Charity committed to do a full renovation of the old sports and cultural hall.


4.500.000 THB donated

Annual Service

Annual Service Contract

01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022

Water pumps and filters need to be serviced all around the year. Meanwhile we built 3 water pump stations and 9 water filter stations. An annual service contract secures the best and most professional service to keep clean water running. In addition, we do annual repairs on all renovated buildings.


420.000 THB donated


01/07/2022 - 01/11/2022

Formula 1 driver and Ambassador Alex Albon had the idea to create a special version of his Williams Racing helmet at the Singapore Grand Prix to benefit the Iceman Charity.


3.660.105 THB donated

Cleaning Material 2021

01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021

We are responsible for cleaning material of the dormitories. From brooms to chemicals, soap and bins.


200.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Cleaning Festival

Cleaning Festival 2021

01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021

Unfortunately, the 2021 Cleaning Festival had to be postponed due to the current Covid 19 rules. We hope to be able to hold it again regularly at the beginning of 2022.


100.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project Rice and Rice

Rice & Rice

01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021

In addition to the school and accommodation, rice provision is the most important temple project for the future of the children. Even for the smallest children it is important to buy the best quality of rice.


350.000 THB donated

Iceman Avenue

Girls House Driveway and Playground

01/01/2021 - 15/03/2021

After the all-new renovation of the Girlshouse, a new driveway with a playground was built. A total of 2.500 sqm concrete stones and tarmac. The children decided to name the new driveway “Iceman Avenue”.


850.000 THB donated

Waterpump Service

Water source Girls House

01/01/2021 - 15/02/2021

After the renovation of the shower rooms, the public water source could not serve the needs of the girlshouse. So, we drilled for our water source and installed a pumphouse and filter system to guarantee enough water during the dry summer season.


300.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project Staff and Caretaker Training

Staff and Caretaker Training 2020

01/01/2019 - 31/12/2020

One of the most important tasks, also in 2020, is the continuation of the training of caretakers and employees.


200.000 THB donated

Full renovation of the Girls House

01/04/2018 - 30/11/2020

Three years were needed to do a full renovation of the large Girls House for 500 kids, including new sanitaries, shower room, pump and filter station, electrical installations.


11.800.000 THB donated

Project Staff and Logistics

Employees and logistics

01/10/2016 - 30/04/2020

Since 2016, Iceman Charity has played a leading role in building management and health and cleaning tasks. We have taken over a few employees and logistic tasks within the framework of the project “Fit for 2020”.


5.000.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project Fit for 2020

Fit for 2020

01/01/2016 - 31/12/2019

There were no defined health and cleanliness rules in the orphanage. The consequences were rashes and infections among a few children. This led us to create the concept Fit for 2020.


2.200.000 THB donated

Cleaning Festivals 2016 – 2019

01/01/2016 - 31/12/2019

Since 2016, the Iceman Charity organizes two Cleaning Festivals every year where friends and sponsors are invited to help the kids cleaning their dormitories.


800.000 THB donated

Project Kaercher Ride-on srcubber

GTCC Ride-on Scrubber

01/04/2019 - 02/08/2019

In cooperation with the German Thai Chamber of Commerce and their members we got a brand new Kaercher ride-om scrubber machine for the 2.000 sqm canteen on August 2, 2019.


450.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project Internet Access Bangsadej House

Internet Access Bangsadej School

01/04/2018 - 31/12/2018

During the overall renovation of Bangsadej School, arrangements were already made to subsequently install Internet in all the sections.


45.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project Staff and Caretaker Training

Staff and Caretaker Training 2018

01/01/2018 - 31/12/2018

One of the most important tasks in future is training caretakers and employees.


150.000 THB donated

Emergency help daily repairs

01/01/2018 - 31/12/2018

Official inspections of the dormitories brought up urgent requested repairs.


415.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project Rice and Rice

Rice & Rice 2018

01/01/2018 - 31/12/2018

In addition to the school and accommodation, rice provision is the most important temple project for the future of the children. Even for the smallest children it is important to buy the best quality of rice.


686.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity project electric fan replacemant

Upgrade ventilation Alice House

03/07/2018 - 17/07/2018

36 Professional fans had been installed


90.000 THB donated

Project canteen roof repair

Canteen Roof Repair

01/01/2018 - 30/04/2018

After examining the situation and in coordination with the orphanage management, we have undertaken the repair of the canteen on behalf of the Iceman Charity.


210.000 THB donated

Iceman Chanrity Project Kaercher Football Incentive

Kärcher Football Incentive

07/04/2018 - 08/04/2018

As a sponsor of the Asian Champions League, Kärcher had brought 30 children to BURIRAM for the Champions League Game.


300.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project Dentist Volunteers

Volunteer Dentists

18/02/2018 - 03/03/2018

Thanks to a special program of the German DENTIST VOLUNTEERS, dentists examine 2400 children and carry out dental work on more than 500 children.


115.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project Kitchen Repair

Renovation of kitchen stoves

10/02/2018 - 24/02/2018

The heart of our entire childcare is the kitchen and its equipment, where 3 x 2500 meals must be prepared daily.


140.000 THB donated

Project Iceman Charity - repair of the dish washing area

Dish Washing Area

24/07/2017 - 31/01/2018

Redesigning the dish-washing area, where the children wash their stainless steel dishes after every meal.


700.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project Staff and Caretaker Training

Staff and Caretaker Training 2017

01/01/2017 - 31/12/2017

One of the most important tasks in future is training caretakers and employees.


150.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project Rice and Rice

Rice & Rice 2017

01/01/2017 - 31/12/2017

In addition to the school and accommodation, rice provision is the most important temple project for the future of the children. Even for the smallest children it is important to buy the best quality of rice.


686.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity project construction of the playground sunroof

Playground Sunroof

15/03/2017 - 12/06/2017

Roofed playground for the children.


2.250.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project Roof Repair Phase1

2,100 qm roofs

01/04/2017 - 15/05/2017

Renovation of 2 large roofs in the living area of the girls and boys with a total area of 2,100 qm.


1.300.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project total renovation of Bangsadej House

All New Bangsadej House

01/10/2016 - 18/02/2017

Our sponsors Erich Erber, Hans Groeber Foundation in Liechtenstein and the Rotary Club of Singapore East have invested 6,500,000 million THB.


6.500.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project Rice and Rice

Rice & Rice 2016

01/01/2016 - 31/12/2016

In addition to the school and accommodation, rice provision is the most important temple project for the future of the children. Even for the smallest children it is important to buy the best quality of rice.


686.000 THB donated

Project Alice House Coating

Alice House Coating

01/02/2016 - 31/10/2016

Thanks to the sponsoring of 595,000 THB by the Hans Groeber Foundation in Liechtenstein, a special exterior colour of the brand Pro Color could be bought. The cost of processing this colour is borne by the German manufacturer MA Experience.


595.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity Project Sponsors for more

Plates & Spoons

15/04/2014 - 30/06/2016

With some additional donations from friends and business partners, Volker Capito started to invest in other smaller projects for the kids.


500.000 THB donated

Iceman charity project bed for kids

Bed 4 kids

01/03/2015 - 31/03/2016

In 2015 all kids got beds and mattresses for more than 7 Mio THB. Iceman Charity started with the beds for all 1.000 girls in the orphanage.


7.000.000 THB donated

Iceman Charity 8 mio thai bath project

8 Mio Bath Project

01/02/2015 - 31/03/2016

Heartbreaking pictures and information about the volunteer work and donations of Volker Capito were spread out and people all over the world supported the Iceman Charity.


8.000.000 THB donated